Today my mom and I did some shopping for things around the house - we picked up some great outdoor furniture so now Lauren and I can fully enjoy our outdoor patio for the last few weeks of summer. We definitely want to break in our new grill, soon!
Tonight I dragged mom along to the D-Note for some salsa. Though she was reluctant to dance, I think she enjoyed watching. Or at least, she took enough pictures that I'm sure she can watch it flip-book style again later.
Tomorrow's mom-agenda includes a trip out to Littleton, initiation into the ever exclusive Costco card holders club, and possibly cell phone investigation. I need a texting plan almost as much as that texting plan needs me. And mom has been vulture-hovering over my current phone for about a year now. Might be time to fork over the damaged goods and invest in a new toy :)
I miss you so much already! Can you come home for the weekend??